Lost Foam Casting Process

Epc (also called real mold casting) and casting size shape is similar to that of paraffin wax or foam model binding into clusters, brush after refractory coating and drying, buried in the dry quartz ......

Investment Casting Process

Investment casting usually refers to a casting scheme in which a shape is made of fusible materials, a shell is made of refractory materials on the surface of the shape, and then the shape is melted ......

Sodium Silicate Sand Casting Process

The basic raw materials for making sand mold are casting sand and sand binder. The commonly used casting sand is silica sand, silica sand high temperature performance can not meet the requirements o......

Furan Resin Sand Casting Process

Self-hardening furan resin sand with furan resin as binder, and adding catalyst mixed sand, sand can be self-solidified at room temperature. Resin sand casting is better than clay sand casting moldi......