What should be paid attention to when casting machine parts

In order to ensure the quality of machine tool castings, improve productivity and achieve production, the operation essentials should be strictly observed during pouring. 
1. Pouring personnel should wear work clothes and protective glasses as required, and the workplace should be unimpeded. 
The molten metal in the ladle should not be too full, so as not to overflow and hurt people during transportation and pouring. 
2. Ladle, pouring tool, inoculant for pre-furnace treatment, nodularizer, etc., must be fully dried before use and can only be used after drying. 
3. In order to ensure the quality of machine tool castings, the gas emitted from the mold should be ignited in time, so as to avoid pores caused by holding breath in the mold, as well as damage to human health and air pollution due to the non-combustion of the gas. 
4. For machine tool castings with large liquid shrinkage and solidification shrinkage, such as medium and large castings, it is necessary to make up pouring from the gate or riser in time after pouring. 
5. In order to improve productivity and achieve production, the correct pouring speed should be chosen, that is, it should be poured slowly at the beginning to facilitate the alignment of the gate, reduce the impact of molten metal on the sand mold and facilitate the discharge of gas, and then pour quickly to prevent cold insulation; it should be poured slowly before filling, that is, follow the principle of slow, fast and slow.