Basic requirements of stainless steel precision casting casting structure

Stainless steel precision casting is an excellent technology in the casting industry, which is widely used, not only for various types and alloys. We all know what are the basic requirements for the structure of carbon steel castings in the casting process.
The basic requirements for the structure of stainless steel precision casting are as follows:
The larger the size of stainless steel precision casting products, the more difficult it is to fill the mold, so the wall thickness needs to be as uniform as possible, otherwise it is easy to produce shrinkage holes or cracks. The thickness of the wall varies greatly, the thick part is easy to form shrinkage holes, and the position where the thickness meets the thickness is easy to form cracks. Avoid the upper part of the product with a large horizontal plane and a slope, which can facilitate the discharge of gas and slag and reduce the possibility of eye casting slag.
The structure of stainless steel precision casting slag pool should ensure that the core is firmly placed in the casting, and the parting surface and sand core are reduced during molding, which can simplify the molding operation and facilitate later processing. Slag tank in the processing process, each process needs to have corresponding emergency measures to prevent problems can be solved in time, and does not affect the product quality.
When we all operate the structure of stainless steel precision casting, we all need to meet the above basic requirements. We need to use these structures of stainless steel precision casting in the correct way.