Agricultural machinery drive shaft casting

Agricultural machinery drive shaft casting

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The rotation centers of the two shafts connected by the couplings manufactured by agricultural machinery transmission shaft manufacturers should be strictly concentric, so it is necessary to accurately align and align them during installation, otherwise it will cause great stress and noise on the couplings and shorten the service life of the couplings, which will seriously affect the normal work of shafts, bearings and other parts on shafts, and even cause vibration or damage to the whole machine and foundation. Therefore, the search of diaphragm coupling is one of the very important work links in the process of installation and maintenance of agricultural machinery transmission shaft manufacturers.
1. Preliminary correction.
The knife-shaped ruler and plug ruler are used to measure the non-concentricity of the coupling and the wedge-shaped clearance rail or plug ruler is used to measure the non-parallelism of the end face of the coupling. this method is suitable for preliminary alignment or elastic couplings with low speed and low precision.
Agricultural machinery drive shaft.
2. correct the percentile meter.
Using a dial meter or a special alignment tool to measure the non-concentricity and non-parallelism of the two-half couplings, at least four points should be taken as the detection base point, and the two-half couplings should be tested for each other. This method is suitable for rotating equipment with high rotational speed, rigid connection and high precision. Agricultural machinery transmission shaft manufacturers remind you to pay attention to the following:
(1) when aligning with plug ruler and knife ruler, the surface of the radial end face of the coupling should be flat, smooth, rust-free and burr-free.
(2) in order to see the light of the knife ruler, you can use a flashlight.
(3) for later measurements, the anchor bolts of the motor should be fastened.
(4) to make the same mark when finding the alignment with a special tool, in order to avoid increasing the error of the measurement data, the coupling flange should be evenly divided into 4-8 points in order to obtain accurate data.
(5) make correct records and related marks.