Transmission box casting

Transmission box casting

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Cast iron square ruler as a kind of lost foam casting, in the geometric measurement, the simulation method is used to reflect the reference line, manufactured according to the standard, and can be used to detect verticality and parallelism, and can be made of 90 degrees of fine gray cast iron or alloy cast iron and other materials, its working face and side hardness is 170-220HB.
Cast iron square ruler has a vertical and parallel frame combination, which is suitable for high-precision mechanical and instrument inspection and non-verticality inspection between machine tools. It is an important tool to check the non-verticality between the parts of various machine tools. Mold technology has the characteristics of producing lost foam castings that cannot be provided by many other casting methods-negative mold angle.
Embedded lost foam casting is a special structure, such as curved surface channels and complex blind holes. The key characteristics of the optimized EPC castings show that the detailed process analysis of lost foam castings needs to determine some factors related to machining and casting, as well as castings, parting surfaces, gating systems and dimensional tolerances, to guide the preliminary analysis of the mold cavity through discussion. The part processing drawing should be carefully reviewed in conjunction with the lost foam casting drawing, which will help to integrate many factors for design. If the buoyancy of the liquid metal is too large, the mold sand in the upper part of the mold will be easily deformed and may lead to local collapse; in general, the amount of sand eaten at the top of the mold is small and the negative pressure is not enough, which may lead to poor forming of lost foam castings, or even can not be formed. If the buoyancy of the liquid metal is too large, the mold sand in the upper part of the mold will be easily deformed, which may lead to local collapse; in general, the amount of sand eaten at the top of the mold is small, and the negative pressure is not enough, which may lead to poor casting forming, or even can not be formed.
The fire resistance and high temperature strength of the coating are not enough, so it is easy to produce box collapse defects of lost foam castings. The lost foam pattern can cushion the filling and cooling of the molten metal in the pouring process, and at the same time reduce the erosion of the mold by the molten metal. When the lost foam pattern is replaced by liquid metal and the cavity is filled, the dry sand is mainly supported by the coating coating. When the coating strength is not enough or the fire resistance is not enough, the local mold will collapse and collapse, especially at the top of the inner gate of large parts.