Effectively improve the quality in the process of cast steel production

As an old steel foundry which has produced steel castings for more than ten years, we are well aware of the elements to control the quality of steel castings. When customers choose steel castings, apart from the price factor, the biggest concern is the quality itself, whether it can meet the various restrictions in the process of use and complete the work effectively. Kunfeng heavy Industry shares several factors that control the quality of steel castings for you.
(1) Control of chemical composition:
A slight difference in composition may lead to a big difference in the performance of steel castings. Every steelmaking process, we must ensure that it can get the composition we want. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the molten steel before pouring begins. Only after the ingredients are qualified and correct can the pouring be carried out. If there are some differences in composition after the inspection, it is generally necessary to adjust the composition of molten steel and analyze it continuously by spectrometer until the proportion is qualified before the next operation can be carried out.
(2) Control of mechanical properties:
Mechanical properties can be divided into many kinds, including mechanical properties, hardness properties and so on, which affect the toughness, pressure resistance, wear resistance and so on. In general, when pouring, we will take part of the molten steel from the same furnace for heat treatment with the furnace, and then make a prepared sample after mechanical processing, and the relevant equipment can be used for follow-up mechanical performance testing steps.
(3) Control of surface quality:
These are some of the common problems in steel castings. Common steel castings often have defects such as cold insulation, cracks and shrinkage in the casting process, and there are a variety of reasons, such as molten steel temperature, inaccurate composition, human error and so on. We must test the castings before leaving the factory. Put an end to defects that affect performance.
(4) Control of dimensions:
From 2d casting drawings to 3D solid castings, this is an extremely complex process, each step of the intermediate link may cause dimensional errors and changes in the shape of castings. Three-dimensional coordinate, three-dimensional testing and other equipment can effectively reduce this error, which is an indispensable part of testing the quality of castings.
The control of casting quality is a vital process, do not underestimate these small spots, do not pay attention to, let casting quality problems, in use will produce fatal problems, resulting in the whole casting scrapped, and may lead to major consequences. We must firmly grasp the casting quality control method to curb the occurrence of casting defects in time.