Matters needing attention in detail handling of stainless Steel Castings

The treatment of technological details of stainless steel castings directly affects the quality of stainless steel castings. Although the general working process is similar, stainless steel casting manufacturers.
In the difference of details, this is an important factor affecting the quality of stainless steel castings. So what are the details to pay attention to?
1. in order to prevent the white mouth phenomenon of stainless steel castings in the casting process, measures must be taken in the casting process, otherwise the wall thickness can not be too thin. Aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy.For gold metal mold castings, the fillet of the casting is not less than 2-5m.
2. The pouring slope of stainless steel castings should be slightly larger than that of sand castings. It is usually 38-40% larger than the sand mold.
3. The minimum wall thickness of stainless steel castings should be larger than that of sand castings because metal moulds dissipate heat quickly.
4. The thickness of the inner wall and inner rib of stainless steel castings is generally 0.55-0.65 of the thickness of the connecting outer wall. In addition, due to the slow cooling of the inner wall (rib), the casting is easy to shrink.A crack occurs at the junction of the wall and the outer wall.
These are four points that should be paid attention to in stainless steel castings. Only by grasping the details, the phenomena such as speech and cracks in precision castings can be avoided.