Stainless steel precision casting is a casting process with little or no cutting

Stainless steel precision casting is a casting process with little or no cutting, which is an excellent technology in the foundry industry, and it is widely used. So do you know what the process of stainless steel precision casting is?
1. The process can be partially automated to save manpower and improve the production rate.
2. Low production cost.
3. Good dimensional stability.
4. The mold of the ceramic shell is thin, and the cooling rate of the casting after pouring is higher and uniform, so its mechanical properties are better.
The casting method of precision castings obtained by precision casting mould for stainless steel precision casting. The stainless steel precision casting ceramic shell mold method until the wax mold is the same as the solid mold method, except that after a paste and sand (or floating sand), the mold operation is not carried out, but is carried out repeatedly until the predetermined shell thickness is obtained.
The advantages of stainless steel precision casting are as follows.
1. Less restrictions on casting materials, such as aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy, titanium alloy, copper alloy, all kinds of steel, cobalt-based, nickel-based heat resistance.
2. The workpiece with complex shape is manufactured with good dimensional accuracy and less cutting.
3. Save waste of materials and can be produced on a large scale.
Stainless steel precision casting is a casting process with little or no cutting, which is an excellent technology in the foundry industry, and it is widely used. The advantages of stainless steel precision casting are mainly introduced above, and we all need to understand these advantages of our casting.
The wet method to remove rust from the surface of stainless steel precision castings is as follows:
1. Water cleaning: the sand products with specific heat are promoted to the reservoir, and the water entering the hot sand mold and sand core evaporates in the heat. As water and steam evaporate, the sand mold and core are heated again.
2. Hydraulic sand cleaning: usually refers to the use of high-pressure water pump input, through the high-pressure spray caused by the gun to the precision casting sand surface and core sand cleaning method. It is usually used for sand and core cleaning on the surface of large iron castings.
3. Electro-hydraulic sand cleaning: the key technology is electro-hydraulic hammering effect. The high voltage pulse generator uses the electrode placed in water to carry out relative phase discharge, resulting in greater hydraulic impact.
Stainless steel precision casting is a casting process with little or no cutting, and it is an excellent technology in the foundry industry. Well, we all know that the main way to remove rust from the surface of stainless steel precision castings is the above method, and we all need to operate this kind of stainless steel casting according to the above method.