What are the cleansing methods for stainless steel precision casting?

Stainless steel precision castings often need medium-term antirust treatment, usually choose water agent or oil antirust. So what are the cleaning methods for stainless steel precision casting?
The cleaning methods of stainless steel precision casting are as follows:
1. Shot blasting cleaning. The impact force of high-speed steel shot, iron shot and abrasive flow is used to clean the core, stick sand and grind the casting surface.
2. Drum cleaning. The castings and star iron are loaded into a circular drum together. When the drum rotates, the sand inside and outside the castings is cleaned and the surface of the castings is polished by the action of collision and friction among castings, star iron and waste sand.
3. Hydraulic sand cleaning. The high-pressure water is shot from the spray gun to the treated castings through the pipeline, and the sand sticking of the core and castings is cleaned by the kinetic energy and scouring action of the water flow.
4. Sand cleaning by water explosion. After the casting mold is poured, when the casting is cooled to the specified temperature, it is put into the box and immersed in the pool. The water seeps into the mold through the gap and vaporizes rapidly in contact with the high temperature metal. The sand attached inside and outside the casting can be basically cleaned up by shock wave.
The process in which precision castings cast by stainless steel are removed from the mold, the excess parts outside the body are removed, and the inner and outer surfaces of the castings are polished. The cleaning methods of stainless steel precision casting are mainly introduced above, and we should all clean up our stainless steel precision casting in accordance with the above cleaning methods.