Precautions during the pouring process of precision cast steel parts

In the casting process of precision steel castings, there are strict requirements for its technological operation, and each procedure has certain requirements, so what are the requirements for the pouring operation of steel castings?
1. The requirements of steel castings in pouring operation usually need to be based on the following points: meet the requirements of A. Cast large and medium-sized steel castings. After pouring, the molten steel in the ladle is calm by 1-2min. b. After the casting is solidified, the iron pressing box card should be removed in time in order to eliminate the shrinkage of the casting and avoid the crack defect of the steel casting.
2. The pouring temperature of steel castings has a great influence on the quality of steel castings. The pouring temperature range should be determined according to the structure of steel castings and the types and characteristics of casting alloys. According to the reasonable selection of the temperature model of carbon steel castings, the general pouring temperature is 1540-1580 ℃ (molten steel temperature in the ladle).
3. Under the condition of casting speed, the gas in the cavity can be discharged smoothly, and the high casting speed can be used for the solidification of steel castings. The requirement for the sequential solidification of steel castings is that the casting speed is low.
What are the points for attention in precision cast steel casting?
The mechanical property of precision cast steel is higher than that of cast iron, but its casting performance is worse than that of cast iron. Because the melting point of the cast steel is high, the molten steel is easy to oxidize, the fluidity of the molten steel is poor, and the shrinkage is large, the body shrinkage is 10% 14%, and the linear shrinkage is 1.8% 2.5%. In order to prevent steel castings from underpouring, cold insulation, shrinkage and porosity, cracks and sand sticking and other defects, the following is to explain to you the matters needing attention in precision steel casting.
The main results are as follows: 1. The shape of precision cast steel should be simple in order to make it easy to mold, and the casting parting surface should be flat and the number should be minimized as far as possible.
2. The inner cavity of precision cast steel should strive to avoid or reduce the use of core when casting. When core is used, it should be convenient for supporting, fixing and sand production, and sufficient process holes should be provided if necessary.
3. For precision cast steel structures such as inner and outer sides and reinforcing ribs, there should be a certain structural slope in the mold direction.
4. The convex part of the precision steel casting should not be too different from the precision casting body, so that several convex parts with the same height and close distance on the same side can be connected to form a whole raised part.