What should be avoided during the casting process of precision casting manufacturers?

Precision casting is a method commonly used in the processing of precision casting manufacturers. Low-pressure casting is widely used in metal processing technology and plays a huge role in modern industry. With the wide use of low-pressure casting, its disadvantages are also exposed.
1. Oxidized slag: the reason for oxidized slag is generally because the charge is not clean, or in the process of use, the number of times of use of the charge is too much. There is also a reason that can lead to the oxidation slag in the process of low pressure casting, that is, the design of the casting system is poor, and the setting is improper when filling the mold.
2. Pores and shrinkage holes: pores are common in the process of low-pressure casting. They are generally caused by poor exhaust of the casting tool, poor spraying of the mold coating system and improper setting of the cooling ring, which can also lead to the generation of pores and shrinkage holes.
3, crack: low pressure casting process, cracks are very common, the mould design is unreasonable, sharp corners, differences in the wall to its thickness and the crack phenomenon of metropolitan result from, want to eradicate the crack phenomenon, improve the mold structure design is the inevitable choice, only the mould design is reasonable, for the solution of the problem to help.